Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

Meghan and Ian dive headfirst into the heart of 1980's nostalgia, so tease those bangs and break out the shoulder pads ("Blane, your blazer!") for this John Hughes classic Pretty in Pink! Ian relates to Duckie a little too hard and needs to call his therapist, but what else is new?

Next Week: Our First Ever Flip the Script Episode! Inside Out (2015)

Creators and Guests

Ian has been fascinated with the process of making movies for as long as he can remember, so much so that he has his bachelor’s degree in Cinema Arts & Science from Columbia College Chicago. That being said, he’s managed to miss out on so many pop culture cornerstones and arthouse gems alike that he *literally* created a podcast about it. When not doing whatever it is he does on this podcast, you’ll find him being lost in a theme park somewhere, working on a tech project, or being an award winning short film editor (but please don’t ask him about it, he hates bragging about himself.) Top 5: Princess Bride, Grand Budapest Hotel, Inside Out, Kingsmen: The Secret Service, The Fifth Element
Meghan is a certified film-ologist (aka she used her Art History degree as an excuse to study film for four years) and has her Masters in Creative Writing from Hamline University. When she isn’t podcasting or dissecting movies with Ian, she’s hanging out with her four pets and her partner, tending to her ever-expanding collection of indoor plants, engaging in various arts and crafts, and writing or reading anything from short stories to fanfiction to screenplays. Top 5: Jurassic Park, Princess Bride, Grand Budapest Hotel, Clueless, and The Shining